In my course and book, "Frum Minimalism," available on Amazon, I delve into the significance of making a bed. I grew up always being expected to make my bed, and I knew this habit is important.
In 2014, I stumbled upon a video clip featuring Admiral William McRaven discussing the importance of making a bed and how accomplishing just one productive thing in the morning leads to increased productivity.
I draw a parallel (l'havdil) to the way us frum Jews start our day by saying "Modeh Ani," beginning with gratitude and creating a ripple effect that lasts throughout the day. Similarly, making your bed has a ripple effect on productivity.
Last week, a woman who purchased my book reached out, asking if I was aware that the admiral had authored a book titled "Make Your Bed." I had not known this, and immediately borrowed the book from her.
Admiral McRaven's book is truly fabulous, encompassing ten main points that I will discuss below in this book review.
Start Your Day with a Task Completed: Admiral McRaven emphasizes the importance of beginning your day by accomplishing a task, and making your bed is the perfect start. This simple act sets a positive tone and establishes a mindset of productivity from the outset.
You Can't Go It Alone: Drawing from his experiences as a Navy SEAL, McRaven highlights the significance of teamwork.
Only the Size of Your Heart Matters: Admiral McRaven emphasizes the idea that the true measure of a person is found in the size of their heart, not in physical strength or outward appearances.
Get Over Being a Sugar Cookie: In Navy SEAL training, "sugar cookies" were recruits covered in sandy mud. McRaven teaches that life is not always fair, and sometimes you'll face challenges. Embracing discomfort, is essential for growth.
Don't Be Afraid of the Circus: The "circus" in SEAL training is an extra workout punishment. McRaven encourages facing challenges head-on, since it'll only make us stronger.
Slide Down the Obstacle Head First: McRaven's sixth lesson emphasizes taking calculated risks. Just as SEALs tackle obstacles headfirst, facing challenges boldly can lead to unexpected successes.
Don't Back Down from the Sharks: In SEAL training, Mcraven swam with sharks. McRaven teaches the importance of facing your fears and not allowing them to dictate your actions.
Be Your Very Best in Your Darkest Moments: Life is unpredictable. McRaven emphasizes the importance of resilience and maintaining your standards even in the darkest moments.
Start Singing When You're Up to Your Neck in Mud: McRaven advocates maintaining a positive attitude in challenging situations.
Don't Ever, Ever Ring the Bell: In SEAL training, ringing a brass bell signaled giving up. McRaven teaches the importance of perseverance.
This book is an excellent, easy and short read, that I highly recommend you read too.